We’ll send you an email to confirm your refund amount once it’s issued for online purchases. If 90 days or less from the order date, you’ll receive a refund to the original form of payment within 3-5 business days. If you paid with a Gift Card or E-Gift Card a new E-Gift Card will be issued to your email address. After 90 days, a merchandise credit, in the form of an E-Gift Card will be sent to your email address. For more details on how you’ll be refunded see our return policy.
Why did I not get an email confirming my refund?
If a credit was issued prior to an order shipping or being picked up, such as a qualifying price adjustment, then we’ll take the amount off the final charge. While we don’t send an email to confirm the adjustment your updated total will be reflected with your final charge in your shipping confirmation email.
I’m not seeing my refund posted to my credit/debit card, what should I do next?
We suggest allowing up to 30 days for a refund to show in your account as credits issued to PayPal or ApplePay may take longer appear. If it’s been more than 30 days, contact us for more help.