What is My Bath & Body Works?
My Bath & Body Works is a free rewards Program. It allows you to earn from your in-store and online purchases and redeem for a Free Full Size Product of your choice. Shipping charges apply online. For more information, view our Redeeming Rewards FAQ.
How do I join My Bath & Body Works?
Membership in My Bath & Body Works and App download is only open to residents of the United States.
At this time, Program registration is available through the app and the website. The app is available to download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store via iPhone and Android smartphone devices. To enroll in the program, a customer must provide their first name, last name, email address, phone number, zip code, and other information, as indicated.
See Eligibility and Enrollment.
Why is my Reward Balance showing negative?
If your Reward balance is showing negative after a reward was issued, don't worry! Your points will typically be updated within 72 hours after an in-store purchase or after your online order ships or is picked up from a store.
I just made a purchase but am not a My Bath & Body Works Member. Can I get credit if I join now?
Yes! If you enroll within 7 days from the time of your purchase, you can receive credit for that purchase. If you made a purchase in a store and provided your email address and phone number at checkout, credit will automatically be applied to your account if you enroll with the same email and phone number (some exclusions apply - see below). After enrolling, the amount earned toward your next Reward will typically be reflected in your balance within 72 hours within 72 hours after an in-store purchase or after your online order ships or is picked up from a store.
If you are a customer who made a credit card purchase in a California store or did not provide email & phone number at checkout, contact us to receive credit for purchases within 7 days from the time of your purchase to enrollment. When contacting Customer Care, be sure to have your barcode, merchandise subtotal, and date of purchase from your receipt.
How do I earn My Bath & Body Works Rewards?
You will earn credit towards your next Reward for every $1.00 of Eligible Purchase. "Eligible Purchases" are the actual amount paid on any purchases of goods and/or services made by you after any applicable discounts are applied, excluding shipping, applicable taxes, gift card purchases, gift wrap, and gift-wrap fees.
Members must identify themselves at the time of transaction to count as an Eligible Purchase towards earning a Reward. Online, Members must be signed into their bathandbodyworks.com Account. In Store, Members must open their App and display their App loyalty barcode. In some states, Members may also be able to provide the phone number or email address associated with their account to earn.
Members will need to accrue the amount specified to earn a Reward. Each time a Member reaches the amount specified, they will earn another Reward. The amount earned toward your next Reward will typically appear within 72 hours after an in-store purchase or after your online order ships or is picked up from a store. If Rewards still do not appear, please contact Customer Care at 1-800-869-0158. For more information, view our Earning Rewards FAQ.
Will my online purchase count towards my Rewards?
Yes, eligible purchases made on bathandbodyworks.com will count towards your dollars earned. To earn, ensure that you sign into your bathandbodyworks.com account prior to completing your purchase. For more information, view our Earning Rewards FAQ.
How do I Redeem Rewards?
Rewards are issued only to the App when Members have accrued the amount specified to earn a Reward. Rewards will be available via the Wallet section of the App or My Account section of the website. Members must identify themselves at the time of transaction to redeem. Online, Members must be signed into their bathandbodyworks.com Account and press APPLY on the selected Reward(s) at checkout (Shipping charges apply). In Store, Members must display their loyalty barcode or, if available in the state, provide the phone number or email associated with their account. Then, scan the barcode from the Wallet to redeem a Reward.
Each Reward may be redeemed for only one item and will be applied to the most expensive eligible product in the transaction. Up to eight Rewards may be applied per transaction.
Rewards Value varies by market (value will be provided in welcome email). For more information, view our Redeeming Rewards FAQ.
Do Rewards or Offers expire?
Rewards are valid for 90 days from date issued. Expired Rewards will not be replaced and Rewards will not be re-issued after use.
Accrued Eligible Purchase spend expires twelve (12) months from the date it is earned or if your account is inactive (i.e., no purchases made) for twelve (12) consecutive months. Once Accrued Eligible Purchase spend expires, it may not be redeemed. For more information, see our additional details on Earning Rewards and on Expiration of Accrued Eligible Purchase Spend.
What happens to my eligible spend when I return items that counted towards my Reward?
Returns will be deducted from Eligible Purchase spend towards earning a Reward. Credit towards a Reward awarded for purchases that are returned or refunded or otherwise adjusted will be deducted accordingly. Such deductions may result in a negative balance, in which case, any subsequent credit you earn will be applied to reduce that negative balance.
Can I return the item I acquired through redeeming a Reward?
With a receipt, an item acquired through Reward redemption may be exchanged for another item meeting the eligibility criteria for Reward redemption. All other returns and exchanges (including items acquired through Reward redemption) will be governed in adherence with the Bath & Body Works Return Policy.
Can I still enroll into my Bath & Body Works if I don't have a smartphone?
Yes! At this time, Program registration is available through the app and the website. A customer must provide their first name, last name, email address, phone number, zip code, and other information, as indicated.
See Eligibility and Enrollment.
What is My Rewards Card?
The My Rewards Card is a barcode unique to your My Bath & Body Works account, and is visible on the Home and Wallet pages of the App, and in the Wallet section of My Account online. This barcode identifies you in-store at the time of purchase, allowing you to earn Rewards.
Can I combine points from multiple accounts into a single account?
Members are limited to one account. Membership is nontransferable and subject to present and future Program Terms. For more information, view our Earning Rewards FAQ.
How do I edit my personal information?
Updating your personal information is easy! Simply click My Account and any changes made within your registered account will reflect within your Loyalty App. At this time, you are unable to update the birthday entered at the time of registration.
Have additional questions?
Please visit the Terms and Conditions page to view full program rules.
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